What Should You Do If Your Child Has a Dental Emergency?

Dental Emergency


If your child has a dental emergency, knowing what to do can make the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Dr. Azi and our team at Little Heroes Pediatric Dentistry are fully equipped to provide emergency dental care to children in Laguna Hills and the surrounding communities, helping them get quick and effective relief. Remember, the sooner your little hero receives the needed care, the better the outcomes.

What Should You Do If Your Child Has a Dental Emergency?

What Should You Do If Your Child Has a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies are situations that require immediate attention to relieve severe pain, save a tooth, treat an infection, or stop bleeding. Injuries to the mouth and teeth are time-sensitive, so make sure to contact our office immediately. Dr. Azi and her team will get your child taken care of as soon as possible!

Note: If your child experiences a life-threatening emergency, don't wait. Call 911 for assistance or head to your nearest hospital emergency room.

What Are Common Dental Emergencies?

Here's a look at the most common dental emergencies and things you can do to help.

Persistent Tooth Pain: A toothache can result from deep decay, infection, or trauma. Floss the area around the affected tooth to dislodge any trapped food or debris causing the pain. Make sure to contact our office to schedule an emergency appointment. Meanwhile, have your child rinse with warm water and use cold compresses to relieve any discomfort.

Oral Infection: If your child has swelling of the gums or around the tooth, that may indicate an infection requiring prompt care. Left untreated, a tooth infection can lead to serious oral and overall health complications.

A Chipped or Broken Tooth: If your child chips or fractures a tooth, collect any pieces, place them in some milk, and bring them with you to the emergency appointment. Meanwhile, have your child rinse with warm water.

A Knocked-Out Tooth: If a baby tooth is knocked out, we do not recommend reimplanting it to avoid damage to its permanent replacement. If, however, your child knocks out a permanent tooth, pick it up by its crown, rinse it with water if it's dirty, and place it back in its socket. If that's not possible, carry it in a small container of milk or saliva to prevent it from drying out and bring it to your child's emergency appointment. A knocked-out tooth has the highest chance of being saved if treated within an hour of injury.

Soft Tissue Damage: If your child has an injury to the lips, tongue, or cheeks, place light pressure to stop any bleeding and contact our office to schedule an appointment. If, however, the bleeding is severe and uncontrolled, head to your nearest hospital emergency room for assistance.

How Can You Lower the Risk of Dental Emergencies?

The best way to prevent a dental emergency is to keep your little hero's smile healthy. Encourage your child to maintain good oral hygiene practices and keep up with regular dental exams and cleanings. If your child is engaged in high-impact sports, use a sports mouthguard for protection.

Emergency Dental Services Near Me in Laguna Hills, CA

If your child experiences a dental emergency, please call our office at 949-342-1484 for assistance. With Little Heroes of Orange County Pediatric Dentistry, your little hero is in good hands. Dr. Azi and her team are committed to providing exceptional care to restore your child's healthy, happy smile.

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