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Dental Extractions in Laguna Niguel, CA

Losing the first tiny tooth is an exciting time! Most baby teeth fall out on their own, but occasionally, it may be necessary to have your child’s tooth extracted. The good news is that the procedure isn’t as scary as it sounds. At Little Heroes Pediatric Dentistry, we strive to ensure our young patients feel safe and comfortable in the dentist’s chair. Your child will be in excellent hands!

Why Would My Child Need a Tooth Extraction?

There are several reasons we may recommend a tooth extraction, including the following:

  • A tooth has extensive decay
  • A tooth has a severe dental infection due to untreated decay
  • A tooth is damaged beyond repair by injury or trauma
  • Your child has periodontal disease
  • Your child needs selective extractions as a component of an orthodontic treatment plan
  • Your child needs to have one or several teeth extracted to address teeth crowding

What Is the Dental Extraction Process?

Getting a tooth removed or pulled out may cause some anxiety for the parent and the child, but it is mostly a straightforward procedure. Our team will do everything possible to ensure your child is comfortable and free of stress. 

We will start with a digital dental x-ray to check on the tooth’s root and the condition of the surrounding bones. In most cases, a simple extraction will require only a local anesthetic. If your child is overly anxious, very young, is unable to sit still for long, or has any special medical needs, we may recommend dental sedation. We offer mild conscious oral sedation, inhalation, and IV sedation. Depending on the type of sedation used, your child may have minimal or no recollection of the procedure. 

During the procedure, Dr. Azi will loosen your child’s tooth and gently pull it out. In some cases, we may recommend a placeholder called a space maintainer. That will hold the space needed for the adult tooth to come in correctly.  

What to Expect After Tooth Extraction

A few things you and your child should keep in mind after a tooth extraction include:

  • Most children have no pain after tooth extraction. If, however, your child is uncomfortable, offer the painkiller we prescribe as per directions.
  • If your child has any swelling, cold compresses or an ice pack may help. 
  • Have your little one eat soft food for the first few days and avoid hard or crunchy food for a week to ensure the area stays clean and to keep the protective blood clot forming in the tooth’s socket in place.
  • Avoid rinsing or drinking through a straw for the first 24 hours to prevent the blood clot forming in the socket from being accidentally dislodged. 
  • Starting the following day, rinse with salt water to keep the area clean and help reduce any discomfort.
  • Call our office if you have any concerns.

Dental Extractions Near Me in Laguna Niguel, CA

If your child needs a tooth extraction, your trusted team at Little Heroes Pediatric Dentistry is here to help. We will do everything we can to ensure your child is comfortable and free of stress. Dr. Azi, our superhero pediatric dentist, has extensive experience and creates a relaxing atmosphere for each child. We invite you to call 949-342-1484 to schedule your appointment or book one online today.