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Dental Sealants in Orange County, CA

What Are Dental Sealants? 

Dental sealants can protect molars from tooth decay. It's a common procedure to have sealants placed on the molars, and at Little Heroes of Orange County Pediatric Dentistry, we can apply them during regular check-ups. Our practice serves people from throughout Orange County, and our dentist, Dr. Azi Ardakani, has built a great relationship with our young patients and always provides gentle care.

A dental sealant is simple to apply. It's a resin material that comes out as a liquid. Being a liquid allows Dr. Azi to essentially paint it onto a tooth that has just been cleaned and dried. The sealant is able to get into the grooves and depressions that may be present on a molar, filling up all of the available space. The liquid resin starts to harden in just a few seconds, without the need for any type of curing light. Dr. Azi always works carefully and with precision so that everything can be taken care of quickly.

Dental Sealants Provide Added Cavity Protection

Once applied, the dental sealant can serve as a protective layer. It can prevent food and bacteria from getting stuck in the grooves of a molar, and this makes it much less likely for a cavity to become an issue. If a molar doesn't have a sealant, it may be difficult for a child to completely clean the molar. Brushing and flossing don't always get at the small bits of food that can collect in small depressions of a tooth. That can lead to the development of bacteria, which could cause a cavity. When not treated, a cavity can cause discomfort. It can also potentially lead to an infection that could result in more significant problems.

Sealant doesn't taste like anything. In some cases, a child might be able to feel it with his or her tongue right after it's applied, but soon, it will not even be noticeable. With sealants, children can eat as they normally would, and brushing and flossing won't be affected by the presence of sealants. Usually, sealants are clear or whitish, so other people won't be able to see them.

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

For most patients, dental sealants can last for a long time. In extreme cases, they've been found to last as long as nine years. However, this isn't usually the norm. Sealants may fall off after a few years or more, but they are very easy to replace. Since Dr. Azi generally sees our patients twice a year for regular check-ups, we can keep a close eye on everything for you.

If you'd like to protect your child's teeth, we suggest that you look into sealants. Call Little Heroes to schedule an appointment or ask us any questions.