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Laser Frenectomy for Kids in Orange County, CA

Allow us to introduce Little Heroes of Orange County Pediatric Dentistry, extending our specialized dental services to Orange County, CA, with a commitment to improving your child's oral health through advanced laser frenectomy procedures. We invite you to join us in prioritizing your child's dental well-being by scheduling a laser frenectomy appointment today.

What Is a Frenectomy?

A frenectomy is a dental procedure that involves the removal or modification of a small fold of tissue called a frenulum. The two most common types of frenula that may require treatment in children are the lingual frenulum (located beneath the tongue) and the labial frenulum (found between the upper lip and gums). A frenectomy can help improve the function of the tongue or lips, particularly when these tissues are abnormally positioned and restrict movement.

Why Consider a Frenectomy for Kids?

There are several reasons to consider a frenectomy for children:

  • Speech Development: A restrictive frenulum can affect speech development and articulation.
  • Feeding Difficulties: Infants with a tight lingual frenulum may have difficulty latching onto the breast or bottle.
  • Oral Health: Frenula can contribute to dental issues such as gaps between teeth, gum recession, and improper tooth alignment.
  • Comfort: In some cases, a restrictive frenulum can cause discomfort or pain, especially when it leads to tongue tie or lip tie.

Benefits of Laser Frenectomy

Laser frenectomy offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure is minimally invasive, causing less discomfort and requiring shorter recovery times.
  • Precise: Laser technology allows for precise and controlled tissue removal.
  • Reduced Risk of Infection: The laser sterilizes the treatment area, reducing the risk of infection.
  • Minimal Bleeding: Laser frenectomy results in minimal bleeding.

Potential Risks and Complications

While laser frenectomy is generally safe, potential risks and complications may include infection, scarring, or injury to surrounding tissues. Our experienced pediatric dentists, Dr. Azi Ardakani, DDS, and Dr. Erica Wu, DDS, prioritize safety and take measures to minimize these risks.

Healing and Recovery

The healing and recovery process following laser frenectomy is typically swift. Children can usually resume normal activities within a day or two. Our team provides thorough post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Life After Laser Frenectomy

Life after laser frenectomy often brings notable improvements in speech, feeding, and oral health. Our specialists will monitor your child's progress and provide guidance on any necessary follow-up care.

Cost of Laser Frenectomy for Kids in Orange County, CA

The cost of laser frenectomy can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and whether insurance coverage applies. During your consultation, we will provide you with a detailed estimate and discuss payment options.

Frequently Asked Questions

The ideal age for laser frenectomy can vary, but it is often performed during infancy or childhood if a restrictive frenulum is causing issues.

Yes, laser frenectomy is considered safe for children when performed by experienced pediatric dentists.

You can find a specialist for laser frenectomy in Orange County, CA, by contacting our practice at 949-342-1484. Our skilled team is here to assist you.

Insurance coverage for laser frenectomy may vary. Our team can help you determine your insurance benefits and any potential coverage.

Book a Laser Frenectomy Appointment for Your Kids in Orange County, CA Today!

Enhance your child's oral health and overall well-being by scheduling a laser frenectomy appointment with Little Heroes of Orange County Pediatric Dentistry at 949-342-1484. Our dedicated team is committed to providing compassionate care and ensuring your child's smile thrives. Join us in empowering your little hero's smile in Orange County, CA today!