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Laser Frenectomy in Laguna Niguel, CA

How Laser Frenectomy Can Help Your Child

One of the joys of being a parent is watching your child reach the many milestones that signify their healthy development. If your child is having issues with swallowing or latching when nursing, though, this can cause concern as poor nutrition means poor development. When it comes to issues surrounding the mouth, you may want to look into finding a health provider that can give your child a frenectomy.

What Is a Frenectomy?

A frenectomy involves freeing the frenum to improve the range of motion. The frenum is the soft tissue that runs between your lips and gums. It is also under the tongue. Children who have a tongue-tie or lip-tie may have trouble breastfeeding. They may also cause issues with their teeth, speech, breathing, and digestion. These issues can be addressed with a soft tissue laser, also known as a laser frenectomy.

The Laser Frenectomy Procedure

The soft tissue laser vaporizes the frenum, using light energy. The procedure is not very painful, and there is not a lot of bleeding involved. There is no need to worry about infection as the laser sterilizes the area. Healing time is very quick.

Reasons Why a Laser Frenectomy Is Necessary

A tongue-tie is when the tongue's movement is restricted due to fusion or the tongue's attachment to the mouth's floor. The frenum underneath the tongue may be too short or it is too close to the tongue's tip.

With a lip-tie, the upper lip is attached to the upper gum. This can lead to a large gap between the two most central top front teeth. A lip-tie increases the risk of tooth decay due to difficulties brushing teeth. Your child may experience pain when breastfeeding. It can also lead to difficulty latching when breastfeeding.

Benefits of a Frenectomy

Babies latch best when their tongues are functioning normally. A normal-functioning tongue allows a child to develop speech normally. It also allows for proper swallowing of food which affects the growth and development of that child.

Freeing the frenum from underneath the tongue and upper lip improves the chances of breastfeeding being successful. It removes the pain you and your child may be experiencing while breastfeeding.

Your child will be able to latch properly which will stimulate milk production. Adequate stimulation means your child is getting enough food to grow. Releasing lip and tongue ties can also help your child to avoid speech and dental issues late on.

The Healing Process of a Frenectomy

After the procedure, you may want to breastfeed your child as it can soothe your child and help with the healing process. Latching may be difficult at first due to the anesthetic that was provided for the procedure. It should take approximately 30 to 45 minutes for the numbness to wear off.

Follow the post-treatment exercises that are prescribed and get assistance from a lactation consultant to help your child latch properly. You can use Tylenol if your child is over six months and is experiencing discomfort due to the procedure.

Frenectomy Near Me

If you are looking for "Frenectomy," Little Heroes can help. We provide pediatric dentistry services for your little one in the Laguna Niguel area. When it comes to treating your child, comfort is our number one priority. So, contact us today.